epat therapy cost physical therapy shock wave treatment eswt shockwave therapie

epat therapy cost physical therapy shock wave treatment eswt shockwave therapie

Pneumatic ballistic shock wave instrument is compressor generated pulse sound waves into precise ballistic, compare with the electromagnetic shock wave, more energy generated max to 6 bar. And also impact faster, configuration higher and more expensive.


shockwave treatment:
1. Tennis elbow
Painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the lateral elbow
2. Shoulder pain with or without calcification
Painful limitation of shoulder movement
3. Golfer’s elbow
Painful inflammation of the tendon attachment on the medial elbow
4. Bursitis trochanterica
Painful periostitis of the hip
5. Patella tip syndrome
Inflammation of the tibial edge due to excessive strain
6. Tibial edge syndrome
Inflammation of the tibial edge due to excessive strain
7. Achillodynia
Painful irritation of the achilles tendon
8. Painful heel
Painful,mostly chronic inflammation of the heel
9. Inflammation of the tendon attachment
Painful inflammation of tendon attachments due to overexertion or improper strain,or due to degenerative processes
10. Acupuncture points
Pain therapy through that treatment of acupuncture points
11. Painful trigger points
Acute and chronic pain in the back, shoulder, neck, etc. due to permanently shortened and thickened

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