New Technology HIEMT Muscle Building Ems High Intensity Body Sculpt Beauty Equipment

New Technology HIEMT Muscle Building Ems High Intensity Body Sculpt Beauty Equipment

ems body sculpting machine In the 30 minute course of treatment, the muscle contracts 30000 times with high frequency and intensity, which can not be achieved in general exercise!The ultimate contraction of muscle needs a large amount of energy supply, so the fat cells beside the muscle are also consumed, leading to natural apoptosis and effective reduction of fat thickness.


How does ems body sculpt machine work?

A Single HIEMT and EMS session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles. According to clinical studies, patients had an average of a 20% reduction in fat and a 1.5 inch average loss in waistline measurements following a series of 4 HIEMT and EMS treatments.

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